18/05/2022 - 06:45
"BLUE" Event organized by AREUS and Unios on 4/12/2021, connecting the architects and designers...

2021 was a year with many changes and challenges, not only for the architecture industry. In order to wrap up this emotional journey together, AREUS Atelier and Unios have collaborated on a joint event, The BLUE party on 4 Dec 2021, at Showroom AREUS.

Royal Nguyen-4133Royal Nguyen-4125

The event attracted the participation of many talented young talents and pioneers in the field of construction and architecture. This event is not only an opportunity to connect and build relationships between our guests, but it is also a place for everyone to exchange and share experiences, knowledge, and initiatives.

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AREUS would like to sincerely thank our guests and partners who attended the BLUE party. We hope everyone had the best time at the event. Until next time!

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